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What is ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA, is derived from behavior analysis, the science of behavior. This science of behavior has a history extending back to the early 20th century and is based upon behaviorism. ABA has been empirically shown to be effective in a wide variety of areas, and has a very large evidence base in the treatment of individuals diagnosed with Autism. The features of ABA interventions have been defined since 1968. The practice of ABA is a profession. Well-established, accredited credentialing programs for practitioners of ABA are managed by the nonprofit Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB).

Informational resource on identifying ABA Interventions. (APBA, 2017)

For additional information, please see:

Center Based Therapy

We are a center based ABA provider with both 1:1 therapy and small group activities with our primary focus on preparing your child for school and community. Therapy is provided by our trained therapists under the supervision of our Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs).

Treatment Plans that Target...

We honor the personal needs of the individual. Each child is treated individually in their ABA therapy. Working with the family, the BCBA determines the needs of the child and works with a staff of therapist to oversee and administer therapy options under a unique and personalized plan for that child.