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School Readiness

Working with schools

As part of our commitment to our community, we are happy to partner with local schools. Our goal is for our children to thrive in their community, and that includes school.

Transition Planning

Every child enrolled in our program receives transition planning services coordinated with their local school. These services vary and are individualized for each family, but can include:

  • Our BCBA observing your child in his school
  • Your child’s teachers or school team observing him in our center
  • Our BCBA attending and participating in your child’s IEP
  • Our BCBA collaborating with your child’s school surrounding challenging behavior or skill acquisition
  • Collaboration with your school team related to the schedule or other transition issues when your child moves from our center to his school

School Consulting

Sometimes a local school district may find themselves in need of the services of a BCBA. This may be surrounding the needs of one student, general consultation for a classroom or program, or specific training for a team. These services are individualized for each school district, but can include:

  • Consultation related to one student’s IEP
  • Consultation to provide a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
  • Training for a team in Professional Crisis Management by our Certified PCM Instructors
  • Training for a team or parent group related to our areas of clinical expertise